12/05/2011 00:12:06
Lyf (Lyf)
Building this guild website is challenging but fun. The challenging part is to come up with ideas and features that will make the site unique, functional, attractive and useful to the members of the guild. Next challenging part is to be able to put those things in writting for the developers. Then the fun part is seeing them slowly being built as the developers updates your website. It is like overseeing a building being constructed.
The website is being built with privacy of the members as top most priority. Here we do not collect email, names and anything personal. That posed a slight problem with the built-in registration because the normal process is to have an email tagged to each account and have it automatically verified by the system through sending verification email. The 'forgot password' feature was also removed because that would require an email. In the end, we are left with manual activation of accounts and manually providing the members with their new password if they forgot their password. The guild officers will be given the task of manually activating the accounts and helping members who lost their password. I suppose that's a small price to pay for the privacy of the members.
The guild website is still a work in progress, so stay tuned for more about the site in the making.