Who is Lyf? Reloaded

03/07/2013 04:18:52 +0000

Lyf (Lyf)

Time flies so fast, its already been 10 months since my 'Who is Lyf?' post.  So here are my additional information based on commonly asked questions about me that were not included on the first post. Order of questions are random.

Do you really play 24/7?
Contrary  to popular belief, I'm not actually playing 24/7 but my character is online 24/7 and I just leave it on because I don't like the hassle of logging on and off whenever i feel like checking my character or play a bit and take a break from my real life activities; plunge into the game for a quick R&R.

How long do you actually play?
As I said on my first installment of this journal, I'm working, so I can only play with 100% attention in the evening or dawn.  But sometimes I sneak to play in the morning or lunchtime when things are slow in the office.  In other words, my play time is kind of random, but normally  it should be around after office, so I may normally start playing at 6pm or 7pm, much late if I get dragged by friends out for some socialization, much earlier if I came from client call and I didn't return to office, then it goes all the way 'til dawn, around 2am; from there, I wake every 2 hours for limited commerce and sleep again until morning around 6am and prepare for work.

Why do you ignore me?
I don't ignore people, if it looked like it, I'm really sorry and I apologize for my shortcoming.  But to explain, I could be AFK which I do most of the time (see above).  Sometimes when I get back, I have a lot of notes, PM and whispers that I need to answer, I do that while I sometimes catch on limited commerce. At other more unfortunate events, I might return with my client disconnected or crashed, which means I already missed your message.

'I'm just right beside you, you didn't even greet me', or
'I greet you, you were moving, but you didn't answer back'.
I'm really really sorry if this ever happens.  Sometimes, I'm not paying attention to the game, I'm mostly multitasking. Around 80% of the time I'm playing Mabinogi is also spent doing something else like browsing from my other computer or playing a mobile game on my mobile device (I'm an addict to 'Tower Defence'-type mobile games.)  So during those times, I might have missed your message.
Also, I don't chat or minimize my chatting during battle this is so I can respond quickly when needed.  I'm a  noob so I struggle at fighting while chatting ;) Rank Novice Chatting Skill.

(reinstated question due to popularity)
Do you have a boyfriend?

Still none at the moment, but I'm seeing someone. Yes I'm picky and I'm still young so I take my time.

Do you plan on marrying in-game?
I'm currently married to my alt named Fyl.

Do you plan on getting into serious relationship in-game?
I'm trying to avoid getting into serious relationship in-game.  I've witnessed a lot of problems (drama as they call it) because of it so I'm steering clear off it.  Secondly, I don't want to be attached romantically when I'm seeing someone IRL, might feel awkward or like I'm already betraying the person.  Third, how can I serve the guild if I'm occupied with my in-game spouse?

What do you think of in-game relationships?
I'm not a fan of in-game relationships. I want to be in a relationship with someone I can touch, someone I can abuse IRL like be my RL bodyguard or do errands for me, take me out for dinner, stroll with me on fine days at the park do my work when I'm lazy, just everything I can abuse him for xD.

What do you look for a guy?
Easy, someone I can depend on physically, mentally and financially.  When I say physically, it means physically fit, not the buffed one but just healthy and lean.  Mentally means someone with a good sense of humor and with at least the level of my intellect. As for financially, someone who earns his own money and not living with his parents, has his life planned out and has a goal in life. I could dream, right? I'm still young, I have time xD

Do you duel/PVP?
For fun yes, but if it would only earn me a foe, I'd rather be called a noob for not accepting PVP/duel than to gain an enemy. I've seen a lot of broken friendship from duels/PVP.  Also, if ever I will be doing duels for fun, I will only do it on an arena since I'm maintaining my nice PVP stat of 143 wins and 88.8% ratio, it was very hard for me to arrive at that very nice ratio xD  Oh, why 88.8? In most asian countries, Japan and China in particular, 8 is a lucky number. 

Did you play and/or will be playing other MMO?
I did played a lot of other MMO in the past including Ultima Online, Ragnarok, Maplestory and a lot  variations of MUD, some I already forgotten.  Last MMO I played was Maplestory back in Japan by also by Nexon Japan, then I took a long break from MMO when I moved out of Japan and started my career.  I wouldn't have stopped Maple but it is not accessible in Canada so I'm more of forced to quit.  After Maple, I still played online games but not MMORPG type, I played mostly cooperative based games like Resident Evil 5, Left4Dead and some other war type games, but I got bored quickly except for RE5 which I replay for a couple more months before shelving it.  Then I started playing offline games after that such as Torchlight and Greed.  

Special Questions
How did you pick your mabi name? - by sir chris
Whenever I start a character on an mmo, I try to find a shortest name as much as possible.  Knowing that Mabinogi NA has been around for so long time, it is obviously hard to pick a name. So I thought I'd make all my character names derived from a common word, but removed all vowels and replace it with another consonant.  So I looked around and saw a leaf and converted it into vowelless word, Lyf, and that became my in-game name XD (If I remember it correctly, I think it was the maple leaf of Maplestory website that caught my attention to use the leaf as the word)
Some believed I took the name from Ragnarok, unfortunately, I stopped Ragnarok before humunculus so I had no idea about that when I created my name.  After hearing about Ragnarok and a name where I supposed to have gotten mine, I found out it was 'Lif' not Lyf XD
If you are all curious, my elf on this same account is named Qyn (for Queen) and giant is named as Byg (for Byg).  I maintained that naming convention on a few of my first pets like:
Dyr for my Crystal Deer
Wyt for my White Thoroughbreed
Lyft for my Carpet
Lyz for my Gecko
Hrs for my other Thoroughbreed
Wyng for my Sprite (short for wing because you can wear it as a wing)
Gryn for my herb gnu
Ycy for my first Ice Dragon
rest of the pets still follow vowelless names but not as short as these first pets I had :) 

How did you gain respect at mabi? - by sir Darkreid
I probably  gained respect because I respected them first :)  You gain what you sow I guess? And I admit, it isn't an easy task.  Some people likes to hate, and I've been a victim of people who just likes to hate. It gets harder when you gain popularity because some haters will want to pull you down. Some people will try to break you, find a way to make you like them, they will argue at anything you say and do and when you break, they rejoyce in silence, so that makes it all hard to be very nice to everybody.  I'm not perfect, sometimes I can't keep my patience and lose my cool, we're only human anyway. But I try to keep my 'down times' to a minimum, make up with times that I'm down.  It is extra challenging when the game itself gives you trouble to keep your cool, laggy, buggy game, broken economy, bad luck with npc and stuff, all that makes being nice a super hard task XD So I guess everyone in mabinogi has really been very nice for having able to keep their patience over the game, except the very few who likes to hate everything, let's just assume, its Nexon's fault why they behaved like that XD

What kind of cookie do you like? - by Lady Queen
Any cookie!   I just like them, not to eat but to collect. I'd collect them If I could, but they'd spoil so too bad.  I guess I'll start a cookie collection by taking a picture of them XD I'll try to do that.

Questions by Lady Luminary
1. Did you ever wish you had a sibling?
Never came into my mind.  My family isn't that close, unfortunately.  I grew up mostly by myself, with friends and some guidance from grown-ups around me.  I'm more close to my friends' parents than to my own parents. Let's just say, they aren't ready for family.

2. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? xD
I didn't know what I wanted when I was a kid.  I'm in company with people of different walks of life, a family with parents as lawyers, family of doctors, family of business and career-oriented parents and a lot more, so it was hard for me to like just 1 particular career or job.  Let's just say, I picked business administration because this seems to be the easiest career I could think of at that time.

3. How did you find out about Mabinogi?
 From Nexon Japan, my last MMO before Mabinogi was Maplestory Japan. I moved to Canada so I am unable to play my account anymore.  I found out there was Nexon NA (I was redirected), so I checked. But instead of starting yet another Maplestory account, I decided to give this Mabinogi a try.  When I first played Mabinogi, there was no impact.  I just look around, I don't level or do quest. I just login and observe things around me. I don't feel like leveling or doing anything.  That is where I met Sylpi, when I was observing how the fox and the chicken where fighting each other.  It was first time I seen 2 monsters fight each other on an MMO. Having met a new friend, the game became interesting. I guess the social aspect of the game is really the contributing factor.

4. Why did you decide to establish your own guild, and what makes it worthwhile?
Originally, the guild was just to try out every feature of the game including how the guild thing works on Mabinogi, we used to have all of our alts on our guild.  Then it turned into a family and friends guild when we invited Sylpi's family into the guild.  It only turned into a real serious guild when lady Omegakonata joined us, that was October 25, 2011 followed by her best friend sir IAXELI.  Lady Luminary and Sir Angrathar were also our pioneers joining Nov. 2011, lots of other people worth mentioning that joined us that month but too many to list here.  Looking back, Sylpi and I never imagined having a real guild as huge as what we have now. Back then, we only have this guild so we can have warp access to Tara since we spam a lot of Tara SM.  It was never my effort that the guild has became what it is now, it was mostly because of the members that joined and cared for it up to now and I thank them all for giving us this wonderful guild.

5. What kind of music do you listen to?
I have a very wide taste in music which is mostly influenced by my friends of different walks of life and nationality. By the word  'wide' means very wide, from classical to new wave to rock and heavies, countries folk songs, raps.  Lets just say I have at least 1 favorite song from all genre from across the time.  It doesn't mean I like all songs, I only have a couple that I like, it just so happen that the selections are coming from wide range of genre.  As for songs of different language other than English, I have favorites in German, Italian, Spanish and Japanese language songs.
Questions by sir Christian
1) Is there anyone you would consider dating in this guild xD
I have a more detailed answer above so the short answer here is no.

2) Will you ever get skype?
I have skype, and I use it at work.  I don't mix my work contacts with friends and family so I don't accidentally make embarrasing mistake when I answer an emergency call while I'm half-conscious or half-asleep.  All I have to worry is that when I receive a skype call, it means work.

3) Since you know so many peoples names, what is yours?
Knowing that there is actually someone living near my place that plays Mabinogi, I'd rather not disclose any private information about me.  Last thing I wanted is someone stalking me that knows me from an MMO, not only that it is creepy, it would be very very embarrasing when my associates found out about it.  I'm probably the only person playing an MMO among my associates, it could be very bad to my reputation.

4) What other games you played? 
I also answered this above.

What happened to your wild green old look? - sir Mataemon
"Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months." by Oscar Wilde
I changed my look for a couple of times now so the green old look is not the only appearance I had that will be missed.  Originally, I picked green because of the name "Lyf" which was supposed to be "Leaf".  Also, it symbolizes being a newbie or being "green". I intend to have a gallery of all the past look I had on the member profile page after the paging is implemented.
I published this in a haste since it is getting stale now XD  In case I have new sets of questions to answer, I'll have it as my 3rd installment.  I hope you had fun reading it.

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