Trust System


Lyf (Lyf)

Due to the recent incident involving the name of the guild, a new feature will be developed on this guild website which will be open to the public.  The feature will be called 'Trust System', and the mechanics is as follows:

  • Each user will have a graduated level of trust.
  • For each user that 'guarantees' another user, the user being guaranteed will have a level increased by the sum of all the levels that guaranteed the said user. 
    • Example:
      AAA = lv1, guaranteed CCC
      BBB = lv1, guaranteed CCC
      CCC = lv3, from lv1+(lv1x2) coming from AAA and BBB
  • A mutual or circular guarantee is allowed but the points of the direct guarantor will not count.  This is to avoid new users from gaining a lot of levels by being guarantor to each other.
    • Example Case 1:
      AAA = lv1, guaranteed BBB
      BBB = lv1, guaranteed AAA
      new levels:
      AAA = lv1 + (lv0 from BBB) = lv1
      BBB = lv1 + (lv0 from AAA)= lv1
    • Example Case 2:
      AAA = lv1, guaranteed BBB
      BBB = lv1 + lv1 from AAA = lv2, guaranteed CCC
      CCC = lv1, guaranteed BBB
      new levels:
       BBB = lv2 + lv0 from CCC due to circular or mutual
      CCC = lv1 + lv1 from AAA only removing points from BBB.
  • Aside from the basic lv point, each user has a 'weight' attribute which can give higher lv points to who it trust.
  • Initially, we will be manually populating the list with people we already trusted and had a successful deal.  These users will be coming from our social circle and to leaders of allied guilds and their officers.
  • We will eventually open the site registration to the public to automate the procedure, tagging the users not member of Icons guild as 'Guest', and 'Honorary Guest' for those who are more deserving.
  • These mechanics may change as we discuss these with the developers as they might find holes or inconsistency.

This feature is now being moved to top priority development for the guild website, taking precedence over other features that we have on queue.

NOTE!  This is not a fail proof guarantee that the trades will be safe.  It will only be relatively safer than without this system but the risk is still present, so beware.

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