
Websites ''R'' Us

Fri Jan 17 09:55:12 2014 +0000

This section will be used for sharing of all general links like where to view movies, T.V shows, or locate a lot of dubstep etc. Links for a specific movie, show, song, or playlist can be found in their respective media categories. So view the sections that are relevant to your personal interests!

Links here won't be Mabi related, those can be found in the Tips "N" Tricks section in members only.

*Right click on links to open in a new tab as it will otherwise open on the current window.

Format will be alphabetically ordered and as follows: 

Link : (Key points of site)

 Anime & Cartoons

Anime Planet (Keep track of your anime watched/ manga read, Has great bios about animes and mangas too for researching + viewer ratings)

Anime Get (Tons of Anime)

Anime Freak (Tons of Anime)

Anime Fushigi (Tons of Anime)

Get Anime (Tons of Anime)

Toonami Aftermath (A T.V style set-up of some popular cartoons and spoofed movies)

 Watch Cartoon (Tons of Cartoons + Dubbed Animes)


Aeria Games (Bunch of free Anime & Fantasy MMO's)

Alaplaya (Free MMO's)

Gpotato (Good MMO's, Good artwork/graphics in most games)

Perfect World Entertainment (Lots of asian themed MMO's, Graphics are nice)

General information

Humblebundle (Sale of game package deals at extremely cheap prices, allows allocation control of funds to charity, developer or host)

Wc3Schools (Great self-teaching learning website building languages such as HTML)


Megashare (Tons of movies, *Site has downtime errors but works about 90% of the time)

Solar Movie (Links to lots of Movies & Shows)


Aersia Player (Big selection of game music that selects at random)

Radiotuna (Massive online radio station player, virtually every category of music, downloadable desktop widget that works great for easy access)

Radiohoeren (German based site with many different Electronic music stations, Occasionally has live DJ's but is based on their time zone)

Rainwave (Online radio dedicated to game music, Also has interactive voting feature and requests for upcoming songs for users who made a free account)

Other Media 

Smosh (Funny clips, Funny or Cool Articles)


Free T.V (Most T.V shows current and past few years)