
Profile Page

01/19/2014 11:00:37 +0000

Public profile page is now available for editing and public viewing.  Viewing of profiles can be done via Member List or by clicking the name of the poster at the Wall.  To edit your profile, you can also click your name at the Wall or click here.

Profile page editor makes heavy use of javascript and jquery, it is advised not to use the F5 button to refresh the page while editing.  If you need to refresh, click the refresh button that comes with the editor located at the top bar.

Showoff your talent and artistic skills!  Make the best profile page among Icons! And most importantly, have fun!

Update [v.1]

Please note that this feature is in its beta form, as such, bugs may be encountered.  We would appreciate if you can report bugs or difficulties that you encounter in using this feature.  Suggestions are also very much welcome.

Known Issues:

  • As with the whole site, IE does not display the profile page very well.
  • On Chrome, dragging widget sometimes sticks to the mouse.

Please check back on this page from time to time for possible updates on this feature.


Ability to create multi-page profile has been enabled. Lyf knows more about this feature.